Direct booking


We are well aware of this at Van Gent Autoverhuur and we do the following:

All vehicles that we now purchase belong to the class with the lowest CO2 values. We also have hybrid cars and passenger and commercial vehicles with Bluemotion Technology to minimize the impact on the environment.

The development is going so fast at the moment that it has all our attention and we follow it every day. We sometimes postpone purchases because we know that a new type with lower emissions is arriving.

We send our invoices by e-mail, cleaning products are biodegradable and do not harm the environment, we only use the lighting where it is necessary and the same applies to the heating. All these measures added together show that Van Gent Autoverhuur contributes to the lowest possible impact on our environment.

Corporate Responsibility

We also treat our employees responsibly. We are a conservative company with a low turnover. For example, Leen de Deugd, our first employee, has been with us for 33 years this year, NEL Huizer for 21 years, Gerben van Houwelingen for 19 years and Peter Schenkel and Joop Oudbier for 14 years. We are proud of that. The result is that we can act FAST, we know our customers and know how the customer wants it and what he expects. All in all: our permanent employees are the pillars of our company and we all go for it.